Inspired by the ideals and philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi and great spiritual masters of India and the world, People's Trust was founded in 1982 in Bangalore. People’s Trust work for the welfare and development of rural community in India with particular emphasis on children and women. It has a campus at Sriramanahalli and has adopted 18 surrounding village.
India has a rich cultural tradition and lays very strong emphasis on marriage. It is a dream of a every parent to have a traditional marriage for its children and even when its not affordable, they don’t mind borrowing money beyond their means to make sure rituals are followed and guests are taken care.
People’s Trust is committed to help such families in organising the mass marriage program every year for more than a decade. The mass marriages are organised as a traditional marriage where all the rituals are followed. This year, 30 couples got married on this occasion on 19 May 2014.
Each bride and bridegroom is provided with the auspicious jewellery - the `thali(mangalsutra)’, the toe-ring, a bridal saree, pair of shirt and dhoti and other necessary accessories.
The 2 day festive atmosphere provides meals for the gathering on 3 occasions. The first day the materials are handed over to the families after a ritual invoking the blessings of the divine. All the 30 couples along with their kith and kin are housed in the campus on the eve of the marriage day and food provided.
The murthutham is conducted in a grand scale being witnessed by a very large gathering of relatives and guests and well-wishers and a sumptuous special meal is served to about 5000 people on the occasion.
The couples are bestowed with gifts to start the married life on a cheerful note.
It is a mega event for People’s Trust with activities involving identifying the deserving families, arranging for sponsorships, receiving and sending off the families and guests, catering arrangements , venue preparations, support for all rituals, co-ordinating various activities , logistic support , financial co-ordination and many more.
People’s Trust has empowered the villagers by forming and supporting Village Deveopment Council named as “Central Development committee (CDC)” . Representatives from the villages adopted by People’s Trust are members of this Committee. The CDC members activley work along with People’s Trust to share the activies of this mass marriage program.
JCI Bangalore People’s Trust very proud and privileged to lend a supporting hand to this social event. Its members shared various responsblitis Viz receiving guests, co-ordinating various activities, hosting the families at the campus, support to various marriage rituals and much more.