Sunday, October 5, 2014

Nayaka - Leadership Program in Kannada

There  are  still  plenty of  us who spends  time and  effort to  attend  residential  training  programs.
150 Jaycees  from  Karnataka of Zone 14, 15 and 24  attended the leadership training called “Nayaka”  at  Hospet.

  • Three days of  stay at a  very reputed resort “Vijayashree Green Resorts” close  to  Hampi,
  • Three days of  tasty food
  • Three  days of  excellent  training from 4  experienced  trainers…. 
  •  The  entire  training in Kannda…

How  much  will this  cost?   

To  outsiders, it  would cost  more than  Rs30,000…

For JCI  India members,  it is possible  for  just Rs2500

Here is the report from one of the participants  about the  training.